Comments from Toady about Stars 'n Toads office humor comic strips. He might be happy, frustrated, mad or sad, but in this blog Toady tells how various 'toons came about. Also, an opportunity for his readers (stars, of course) to comment back. Ribet!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Bursting the Bubble of A Dumb Boss

It never ceases to amaze me…

Two Cartoons here:
The first is about BURSTING A BUBBLE on a couple of dumb bosses.
A co-worker, Mary, was working on some big paper project for her boss. It wasn't going well because her boss wasn't holding up his end. I went to a meeting with this particular boss person and he mentioned the project and how well it was going. He said: "We are just on the bubble of success."

I told Mary what he said and she got this crooked little smile: "I'm going to burst his bubble."

She told him what was going on and he refused to acknowledge there were any problems.

A few days later someone came down from corporate HQ, a bigger bird than Mary's bird. He was talking to her boss about this project. Her boss was grandstanding as usual and called for Mary to bring in the project. Mary couldn't believe it, but she took it in. Then she had to defended herself from his accusations but was cut off from the big boss. Her boss got reamed up one side and down the other. The feathers flew!

Translating reality into a comic strip is an interesting challenge so I did this one with two dumb boss cartoons: BUSRTING THEIR BUBBLE, and FEATHERS WILL FLY.

See the Cartoons at


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