Comments from Toady about Stars 'n Toads office humor comic strips. He might be happy, frustrated, mad or sad, but in this blog Toady tells how various 'toons came about. Also, an opportunity for his readers (stars, of course) to comment back. Ribet!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Rotten Cookie

I suppose I am the only one who ever has this problem. My computer hates me, and it does this...

I was logging in to a financial site and couldn't get in. I had been in a few days earlier and knew my passwords were right, so I called the company. They told me to clean out my cookies and internet history and it would probably work. There had been a change to their site. They said my computer had saved the cookie from the last log-in and wouldn't let the new site up.

I deleted my cookies and history and everything worked.

So, I decided I'd had a rotten cookie!

A RIBET for that one...

Check it out at Rotten Cookie Computer humor
let the new site up.


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